By now you should have heard of the health benefits of eating good fats like those found in avocadoes, olive oil, and wild salmon. But did you know that recent reviews of many earlier studies are now concluding that saturated fats are not associated with heart disease?
Animal fats like those in bacon and steak, while high in calories, may be healthy if eaten in moderation. Turns out that sugar and refined carbohydrate intake are much more significant in raising heart disease risk than saturated fat. Check out this informative article about which fats you should increase and which fats to avoid. In general streer clear of all trans fats found in partially hydrogenated oils like margarine, many vegetable oils, and most restaurants' fried foods - they are the worst for your health. I also recommend avoiding corn oil all together - even if it's not partially hydrogenated, as it is almost certainly GMO. I'll explain the dangers of GMO foods in a future post. Thanks!